High product quality through excellent raw materials
The health safety as well as the quality of the ingredients of our products is our highest priority. Because only the best raw materials guarantee a first-class product.
All ingredients of our products are checked by a strict, systematic quality control. The same also applies to those products that are not produced by us.
Highest quality from seed to end product
As a company, we see ourselves as responsible not only to our customers, but also to the consumers. We try to meet this responsibility with high quality and safety controls. In order to ensure consistent compliance with these special requirements, we rely on a process-oriented, integrated management system. This enables us to identify possible risks and defects and reduce them to a minimum.
Procurement of raw materials
One of our particular strengths is the cohesion within the company. In order to maximise the transparency and security of our value chain as far as possible, we make use of the concentrated competence of the group of companies.
The presence and advice of our own experts on site enables us to guarantee consistently high product quality. This enables us to closely monitor and, if necessary, improve the individual processing steps, from sowing to the production of the end product. In this way we can also make our products more sustainable.