Stevia Leaves
Stevia rebaudiana
Whole Freshly Dried Stevia Leaves | 100% Pure | Unprocessed | Nothing Added!
Among consumers and in the food industry, sweet is often associated with negative such as diabetes, obesity and harmful to health. The strong focus on healthy eating has made the Stevia rebaudiana plant, which originates from South America, known for its natural sweetening power.

Sweet Herb – Sweet Leaf
The versatile uses of the sweetness from Stevia leaves are increasingly finding their way into product development in the food industry. Stevia leaves (sweet herb) are already frequently used as a natural sweetener in tea drinks. But they are also used in cosmetics and body care products, toothpaste and bath additives.
Stevia Leaves Dried, Cut & Ground
The stevia leaves are grown in a controlled and a certified organic quality. After the careful harvesting, the drying is done without any chemicals and guarantees a very good quality. Stevia leaves are now grown in many parts of the world.
The excellent global network of the STEVIA GROUP offers you the possibility to supply Stevia leaves for your requirements. You will receive Stevia leaves (sweet herb, Stevia rebaudiana) in high quality, 100% natural, dried, cut but also in microfine ground.